From Heritage Cacao to Speciality Chocolate
Award-winning, precious and heritage chocolate that preserves primary forests, regenerates vintage cacao plantations and empowers local communities in Ecuador.
Our collection
Award-winning speciality chocolate made with fine flavour “Nacional” cacao single-origin Manabí, Ecuador. Our region has cultivated cacao for centuries, and we aim to keep the heritage of this cacao alive.
We tell the story of our region, our people, our history, our Arriba Nacional cacao through our speciality chocolate crafted in Ecuador for discerning palates worldwide.
London Academy of Chocolate Award Winner 2018. Enjoy the sophisticated floral, fruity, nutty and caramel nuances of the Arriba Nacional cacao. Intoxicating dark chocolate named "Tierra Hermosa" (Beautiful Land) after its origin Manabí, Ecuador; it's our signature chocolate. In addition to its unique flavour, this chocolate has many symbols: it evokes heritage, femininity, delicacy, resilience, provenance.
London Academy of Chocolate Award Winner 2018. Enjoy the sophisticated floral, fruity, nutty and caramel nuances of the Arriba Nacional cacao. Intoxicating dark chocolate named "Tierra Hermosa" (Beautiful Land) after its origin Manabí, Ecuador; it's our signature chocolate. In addition to its unique flavour, this chocolate has many symbols: it evokes heritage, femininity, delicacy, resilience, provenance. You will adore the intensity of the cacao nibs!
London Academy of Chocolate award-winning 2020. Deep, opulent and elegant. Tierra Hermosa 72% with speciality coffee from Jipijapa, harvested in Ecuador since 1850. Speciality chocolate which enhances floral, fruity, nutty and caramel nuances of the Arriba Nacional cacao. The perfect way to finish a dinner party with a piece of this chocolate and your favourite red wine or cognac.
Intriguing and simply delicious. Tierra Hermosa 72% with sea salt. For those who love adventurous experiences. This speciality chocolate enhances floral, fruity, nutty and caramel nuances of the Arriba Nacional cacao. Tree-to-bar, especially hand-selected cacao beans by a group of growers from Manabí, Ecuador. It's a beautiful pairing with a single malt.
Award-winning speciality chocolate made with fine flavour “Nacional” cacao single-origin Manabí, Ecuador. Our region has cultivated cacao for centuries, and we aim to keep the heritage of this cacao alive.
Heritage is the history, traditions, practices of a particular country, society that exist from the past and continue to be important.” Cacao has been an essential element of Ecuadorian identity for centuries. Spanish explorers were mesmerised by the abundance of cacao they found on the coast of Ecuador as early as the 1520s. And a recent study of the archaeological site of the Mayo-Chinchipe Culture, Southern Ecuador, confirms the use of cacao which dates than 5,000 years BC, long before the Mayans. It is a true heritage.
(…) Cárdenas, es un chocolate manaba, con una presentación glamorosa. Tenía muy buena textura producto de lo asimétrico y del diferente tamaño y nivel de tueste de los nibs, y un sabor fantástico, con balance perfecto. Los nibs de cacao, al haber sido tostados, le daban profundidad al chocolate y duración en el retrogusto…
The Cream Interview: Susana Cárdenas – “This is a difficult time for chocolate, and online sales are king at the moment”
Precisamente, la ecuatoriana, Susana Cárdenas incide en una diferencia insinuada por Torres: “nos conocían por el café, pero es una materia prima que llegó de fuera. En cambio, el cacao es nuestro. Mi familia lleva 300 años en la región de Jipi Japa y desde 1920 hacemos chocolate en Manabi”.
Después de su participación en el Salón de Chocolate de París, Susana Cárdenas, fundadora de Cárdenas Chocolate, volvió a Europa a presentar su colección de chocolate de especialidad…
El chocolate ecuatoriano destacó en los 25 años del Salón del Chocolate de París. Y lo representó una mujer, Susana Cárdenas.
“Recientemente, la manabita, se convirtió en miembro latinoamericano de la Academia del Chocolate de Londres (…) cuyo propósito se concentra en no sólo promover el consumo del chocolate fino, la producción de cacao de forma transparente y sustentable con el medio ambiente.”
“Susana Cárdenas and her team are collecting something very valuable: cacao.” Monocle Radio.
“Una periodista mantense, quien vivió en Europa y que se convirtió en catadora del conocido grano de oro, promociona la herencia que lleva consigo el producto cuyas plantaciones se encuentran en el norte de Manabí.”
Susana Cárdenas: un compromiso de sangre. Su pasión por el chocolate y por Manabí la llevaron a crear una marca que lleva su apellido y que hoy se exporta a Europa.

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