Loyal to our Essence

“Master, go on, and I will follow thee
To the last gasp with truth and loyalty.”

― William Shakespeare



These cacao beans are once again called La Pepa de Oro” or Golden Beans. Chone, Manabí, Ecuador, holds a special place in our hearts as the cacao capital where our journey began. Our return to the countryside stands as a testament to solidarity with those affected by recent floods and marks our anticipation for the 2024 Nacional cacao harvest.


The months from December to April are traditionally abundant with cacao in this region of Ecuador. However, the impact of “El Niño” rains has been profound; only Leonardo Andrade's “La Providencia“ farm gives away between 16 quintals of this delicate cacao at the peak of the harvest. Today, it gives one. The few pods we see become precious objects that everyone longs for, and the work and dedication of people like Leonardo and his team are priceless.

Leonardo Andrade remains optimist while waiting for an abundant harvest

We transport our cacao to the fermentation centre in Calceta to our friends from Kaakao, who do an outstanding job. Nacional cacao is generally abundant there; however, only a few quintals remain today.


While this is happening in the countryside, prices in NYC are skyrocketing daily. Big brands or multinationals will do whatever it takes to buy it, regardless of the variety, flavour, and quality. What matters is the weight of a quintal.

It is a diverse philosophy for those who seek the origin, soul, and fine flavour cacao. Is it a challenge these days for chocolate entrepreneurs like us? Yes, but the essence we have maintained from the beginning does not change: the value of noble cacao, its provenance, our roots, and the hands that collect it are above everything.


The 2024 harvest of Cárdenas Chocolate continues.

The cacao fields, March 2024



The First Chocolate Batch of the Year